Sweet Dreams with Swede Dreams’ New Mattress

Sweet Dreams with Swede Dreams’ New Mattress

Dec 2020 | al mazroui


OrthoLatex is Swede Dreams’ brand-new mattress enhanced with natural latex for the best sleep experience possible. Crafted with three different layers for a height of 30 cm, this new product suits every sleeping style to avoid back pain for a peaceful and rejuvenating night.

In his Life's Little Instruction Book, Harriett Jackson Brown Jr. told us to 'remember that almost everything looks better after a good night’s sleep.'
Indeed, a break-free and comfortable sleep at night might be one of the most blissful experiences after a hard day of work at home or at the office. This is why Swede Dreams, mattress manufacturer of the Al Mazroui Group, just launched the OrthoLatex: one of the most comfortable mattresses on the Emirati market. This new product suits every sleeping style to avoid back pain for a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep experience and take up next day’s challenge. Without pocket springs, it is crafted with three different layers: NaturaOrganic latex, Intensive Support 50 High Resilience foam and OrthoMed Spinal Support foam.

1st Layer: What is NaturaOrganic Latex?

NaturaOrganic latex is refined from rubber tree sap. The trees are not cut down or damaged during this process and can produce sap for up to 30 years. Therefore, the processing of latex encourages tree growth and is sustainable. This natural latex is also biodegradable.

The gentle cushioning and buoyant support of NaturaOrganic latex foam is especially beneficial for sleepers with back and joint pains. It softly cradles heavy body parts, such as hips and shoulders. The light contouring provides pressure relief near the joints and lower back, whilst the latex’s natural elasticity maintains natural spinal alignment by gently supporting lighter areas, such as neck and back.

NaturaOrganic latex is naturally antimicrobial and repels harmful microorganisms. It is an excellent choice for people with year-round allergies or too tight on time to sanitise their mattress.

2nd Layer: Molded to Your Body

With continuous full-body support, Intensive Support 50 High Resilience foam envelops your body to provide unmatched pressure relief and support. It alleviates stress and pain collected in your daily routine by molding to your body at different pressure points.

Moreover, the advanced cellular structure of this foam subtly absorbs the motion of your body, allowing you to easily get in and out of bed without disturbing your spouse.

3rd Layer: Spinal Support

The OrthoLatex mattress is designed with OrthoMed Spinal Support foam to give extensive support to your back.  While it gives a firm support to maintain the spine straight, releasing body pressure, the top layers of the mattress remain flexible following your body movements.

Finally, the top layer of the OrthoLatex mattress is highly breathable. Swede Dreams uses a special quilting technology composed of elements which regulate moisture and air circulation. The surface stays cool even in hot summer nights.

Crafted with three different layers for a height of 30 cm, OrthoLatex is a must-have for those who value their sleep. Since customer satisfaction is Swede Dreams’ top priority, this brand-new mattress comes with a 15-night free trial offer. For more information, you can get in touch with the team here.
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