Specialità Caffè Hausbrandt
Jul 2023 |
In 1892, the brand "Hausbrandt" was founded in Trieste-Italy, becoming the first Italian coffee roasting company. Hausbrandt was the first company to supply items processed and packaged in sealed metal containers at the manufacturing site. Since its inception, the company has provided high-quality coffee, and the inaugural Hausbrandt tagline, "Specialità Caffè Hausbrandt," signifies their coffee's continuous status as a premium beverage.
The Company, from 1988 led by Martino Zanetti, for over 130 years exports Italian taste and tradition to more than 90 countries and has a presence in the most prestigious cafés on four continents.
Today, the company operates from its headquarters in Nervesa della Battaglia, as well as direct distribution companies in Slovenia and Austria, as well as a network of approved partners in numerous countries, including the UAE, where Shura Hotel and Supplies, a company of Al Mazroui, has sole distribution across the UAE.
Taste of Hausbrandt
Hausbrandt carefully chooses only the highest-quality Arabica and Robusta coffee beans mostly from Latin American and African countries. Using innovative agronomic techniques, it mixes the most desired coffee varietals and meticulously supervises the roasting process using advanced computerized technologies.
Quality Assurance
Laboratory examinations, including visual and microscopic inspections, as well as further testing before the coffee leaves the port of Trieste, back up the quality. When a shipment arrives at its destination, another sample is provided to the company to ensure that the cargo meets the excellent quality of the original and that no alterations occurred during the voyage. The coffee is then subjected to additional testing to ensure its quality.
Hausbrandt Trieste 1892 S.p.A. has a significant presence in the coffee industry, both in Italy and worldwide. Information about Specialità Caffè Hausbrandt available now on Shura Trading website.
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