
Mr. Saeed Rashed Al Mazroui (General Operations Manager) about Group’s vision

Feb 2018 | Al Mazroui
Economic diversification, one of the fundamental principles for healthy and progressive development, opened up in 2007/2008 the round table in the Government of Abu Dhabi when the Executive Council assessed the growth of UAE based mainly on oil and gas production. That was the key moment when it was decided a long-term comprehensive plan having as milestone 2030 to achieve a sustainable diversified economy engaging both governmental and private sector.

Our Group’s vision pays close attention to this context and executive summary, adapting its strategy to the required policy priorities, areas of policy focus and associated objectives. The vision is to build an open, effective and balanced globally integrated business so that we enhance cross-border cooperation and investment.

Consequently, we have extended the activities through the establishment of 8 main business units, transferring to the market our knowledge of more than 40 years of experience since we founded the first company.

The aim is to ensure and strengthen the continuation of strong and diverse international relationships and develop sustainable and competitive business. Identifying the key strengths in the local and foreign economies will remain our core focus and from there we will import business models and participate in the enhancement of UAE growth at all levels.
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