
CSR: Students of New York Institute of Technology in Abu Dhabi in our workshops

Mar 2018 | Al Mazroui
As well as serving its customers and employees, Al Mazroui Engineering Co. (MEC), member of Al Mazroui Group, also makes a contribution to society at large. Especially significant is their commitment to education of younger generation and future engineers. Recently they hosted the Mechanical Engineering Faculty students of New York Institute of Technology in Abu Dhabi.

As per NYIT’s request, their students were given a tour of Al Mazroui Engineering workshop and they learned about the company’s involvement in the oil & gas and energy industry. The students were shown around the workshop different machines and the ongoing projects involving the overhauling and maintenance works of various pumps from the region’s different industries which include oil & gas, petrochemical and energy industry. The students were shown the process involved in refurbishing obsolete pumps and MEC’s innovative engineering solutions applied to improve and extend the life cycle of pumps by improving on the design and metallurgy of various elements of the pumps.

As a successful company, Al Mazroui Engineering is committed to the principles of CSR initiative and advocates improvement in social, ecological and economic equity on local and global scale.

These aims are shared by the company in its desire to support education for young people, and stands at the core of the company's social engagement efforts. MEC is helping pave the way for young people to develop their skills early enough to pursue a career that suits their talents and options.
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